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What is Pink Tax and how does it contribute to increasing Gender Bias ?

What is Pink Tax and how does it contribute to increasing Gender Bias?

The term “pink tax” was popularized around the mid-1990s, when the Gender Tax Repeal Act of 1995 passed in California, prohibiting price discrimination on services.

 The Pink Tax refers to the phenomenon where products marketed towards women are priced higher than similar products marketed towards men, despite the products being essentially the same. The term "Pink Tax" refers to the fact that many of the products in question are pink, a color that has traditionally been associated with femininity.

the “pink tax,” a markup on goods and services marketed to women and for which men pay less for similar products and services. Several years ago, the issue got a lot of attention when New York City’s Department of Consumer Affairs found many instances of gendered pricing when it examined 794 products sold in the city for consumers of all ages.

 Like hair removal razor ,it's uses by both men and women and it's function is same but women pay more as compared to men.

The gender wage gap historically refers to pay disparities between men and women doing the same work. There is also a racial wage gap.

Women still earn less than men for comparable work in 2023 America. women who worked full time earned just 82% of what a man earned.

How to avoid it?

It is possible to practice a few creative shopping tactics to avoid having to pay those inflated costs. 

Shampoos, conditioners, and lotions marketed to women cost more because of their spiffy packaging and appealing fragrances. If you want to skip the tax, sniff the men's versions to find another fragrance that appeals to you. If you check the back of the bottles, you're likely to find that they've been made with precisely the same ingredients (other than fragrance). You will also save by buying the men's version of hair care products, razors, laxatives, and vitamins.

Advantage of Pink Tax

Advantages of the Pink Tax are hard to find, as it primarily disadvantages women. One possible "advantage" is that companies may charge more for products marketed towards women because they believe women are willing to pay more for these products. However, this does not justify the unequal treatment of men and women, nor the perpetuation of gender stereotypes.

Disadvantage of Pink Tax

The disadvantages of the Pink Tax are numerous. It perpetuates gender stereotypes by assuming that women will be willing to pay more for "girly" or "feminine" products. It also creates an additional financial burden for women, who already earn less than men on average. This can result in women having less disposable income and being less able to save for the future or invest in their careers.

The Pink Tax is also a form of gender-based discrimination. It sends the message that women are less valued than men and that their products are less important. It can also contribute to the gender pay gap by reducing the amount of money women have available to them.


In summary, the Pink Tax is an unfair practice that disadvantages women and perpetuates gender stereotypes. It is a form of gender-based discrimination that contributes to the gender pay gap and reduces women's financial independence.


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